Trade Genius Global provides the details of active Hessian Bags Importers of USA traders. Hessian Bags Importers in USA along with Notify party of shipments and Exporters address for USA Hessian Bags companies and clients. With huge of USA Hessian Bags importers list you will get the right shipment records of actual shipping details which was import by United State of America (USA)

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 Acme Bag Company Inc 
Hessian Bags Liner Type 1 X 40 Hc Container Stc Total 156 Bales New And Unused Hessian Squares And Hessian Bags Liner Type 12 Bales 3000 Pcs Hessian Bags (Liner Type), 36 X40 , Standard, Treated, Packed 250 Pieces Per Bale (24 Liner). Gross Weight 1143.00 Kgs Net Weight 1107.00 Kgs 20 Bales 5000 Pcs 
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