
Importer or Buyer

United State

Garciagonzalez Elvin A Jppso Colorado Jppso Nc
121 S Tejon St Suite 800 Colorado Springs Co 80903

Company Profile

Garciagonzalez Elvin A Jppso Colorado Jppso Nc is a leading Importer of Military Used Household Gooods ; Carrier- Suvl Name- Garciagonzalez Elvin A. Gbl-Uqaz0034002 Pcs- 3 - 3Gcwt- 2469 Ncwt- 1753Cuft- 449 Gross Kg- 1120Rdd- 17-01-2017 ; E# Alma Maldonado Almam@Tristarfreightsys.Com 713-631-1095 713-631-1099 ; .

We are a total capability turnkey solution company with expertise and vast experience in the field of Import.
We are engaged in offering diverse range of products offered by us which includes Military Used Household Gooods ; Carrier- Suvl Name- Garciagonzalez Elvin A. Gbl-Uqaz0034002 Pcs- 3 - 3Gcwt- 2469 Ncwt- 1753Cuft- 449 Gross Kg- 1120Rdd- 17-01-2017 ; E# Alma Maldonado Almam@Tristarfreightsys.Com 713-631-1095 713-631-1099 ; .
Business Role : US Importer

Shipping Products

Military Used Household Gooods ; Carrier- Suvl Name- Garciagonzalez Elvin A. Gbl-Uqaz0034002 Pcs- 3 - 3Gcwt- 2469 Ncwt- 1753Cuft- 449 Gross Kg- 1120Rdd- 17-01-2017 ; E# Alma Maldonado Almam@Tristarfreightsys.Com 713-631-1095 713-631-1099 ;

Eporter's Details

Cetin Emec Bulvari
8 Cad 10 18 Ankara Turkey Contact Aysegul Incekalan Tel 0312 4722090 0322 3327633

Notify Party's Details

Suddath Van Lines Inc
O B Tristar Freight Systems 5407 Mesa Drive Houston Tx 77028 #

Shipping Details

B/L Number : APLU300829515 Shipping Date : 12/26/2016
Weight in (KG): 1120 Pieces :3
Piece Unit : PCS Measure: KG
Port of Arrival : 1703, SAVANNAH, GA Port of Origin : 72912, MINA DUMYAT
Business Role : US Importer Destination Country : US
Countrty Origin : JP, JAPAN Carrier : 1.5

Note:- The Company Profile Information above has been provided to us directly from US Custom shipment details. If you discrepancies with any information from this company please contact us immediately with url.