
Importer or Buyer

United State

H W Greenham Sons Pty Ltd
C/O: Murphy Overseas Co 206 Sw Michigan Street Seattle Wa 98106 United States Of America

Company Profile

H W Greenham Sons Pty Ltd is a leading Importer of Freight Prepaid Refrigerated Cargo Cargo Is Stowed In A Refrigerated Container Sat The Shipper S Requested Carrying Temperatuof -23 Degrees Celsius Frozen Boneless Beef 700 Ctn 19390 Kgm B-Fh 95Cl, 19,040.000 Kg (Nett Weight) Hs Code: 020230 64 Ctn 902.4 Kgm A-Fls, 870.400 Kg (Nett Weight) Hs Code: .

We are a total capability turnkey solution company with expertise and vast experience in the field of Import.
We are engaged in offering diverse range of products offered by us which includes Freight Prepaid Refrigerated Cargo Cargo Is Stowed In A Refrigerated Container Sat The Shipper S Requested Carrying Temperatuof -23 Degrees Celsius Frozen Boneless Beef 700 Ctn 19390 Kgm B-Fh 95Cl, 19,040.000 Kg (Nett Weight) Hs Code: 020230 64 Ctn 902.4 Kgm A-Fls, 870.400 Kg (Nett Weight) Hs Code: .
Business Role : US Importer

Shipping Products

Freight Prepaid Refrigerated Cargo Cargo Is Stowed In A Refrigerated Container Sat The Shipper S Requested Carrying Temperatuof -23 Degrees Celsius Frozen Boneless Beef 700 Ctn 19390 Kgm B-Fh 95Cl, 19,040.000 Kg (Nett Weight) Hs Code: 020230 64 Ctn 902.4 Kgm A-Fls, 870.400 Kg (Nett Weight) Hs Code:

Eporter's Details

Hw Greenham And Sons Pty Ltd
222 Lorimer Street Port Melbourne Victoria Australia 3207

Notify Party's Details

Murphy Overseas Co
206 Sw Michigan Street Seattle Wa 98106 United States Of America

Shipping Details

B/L Number : ANLCAEL0622260C Shipping Date : 12/28/2016
Weight in (KG): 23292 Pieces :764
Piece Unit : PCS Measure: KG
Port of Arrival : 2811, OAKLAND, CA Port of Origin : 60237, MELBOURNE
Business Role : US Importer Destination Country : US
Countrty Origin : AU, AUSTRALIA Carrier : 1.5

Note:- The Company Profile Information above has been provided to us directly from US Custom shipment details. If you discrepancies with any information from this company please contact us immediately with url.