
Importer or Buyer

United State

M/S Ace Bag _ Burlap Co Inc
1601 Bronxdale Ave Bronx Ny 10462 U S A Phone_ 001 718 319 9300 Fax _ 001 718 319 9311

Company Profile

M/S Ace Bag _ Burlap Co Inc is a leading Importer of 34 Bale 34 Bales 68000 Yds Food Grade Hessian Cloth , 48 X 10 Oz/40, Packing 2000 Yards Per Bale. (Gross Wt _ 10982.00 Kgs) (Nett Wt _ 10886.00 Kgs) Food Grade Jute Hessian Cloth, 40 X 10Oz/40 P _ S 11 X 12, I/B 2000 Yards Per Bale.(Gross Wt _ 10314.00 Kgs) (Nett Wt _10206.00 Kgs)Itc Code No. 531010.

We are a total capability turnkey solution company with expertise and vast experience in the field of Import.
We are engaged in offering diverse range of products offered by us which includes 34 Bale 34 Bales 68000 Yds Food Grade Hessian Cloth , 48 X 10 Oz/40, Packing 2000 Yards Per Bale. (Gross Wt _ 10982.00 Kgs) (Nett Wt _ 10886.00 Kgs) Food Grade Jute Hessian Cloth, 40 X 10Oz/40 P _ S 11 X 12, I/B 2000 Yards Per Bale.(Gross Wt _ 10314.00 Kgs) (Nett Wt _10206.00 Kgs)Itc Code No. 531010.
Business Role : US Importer

Shipping Products

34 Bale 34 Bales 68000 Yds Food Grade Hessian Cloth , 48 X 10 Oz/40, Packing 2000 Yards Per Bale. (Gross Wt _ 10982.00 Kgs) (Nett Wt _ 10886.00 Kgs) Food Grade Jute Hessian Cloth, 40 X 10Oz/40 P _ S 11 X 12, I/B 2000 Yards Per Bale.(Gross Wt _ 10314.00 Kgs) (Nett Wt _10206.00 Kgs)Itc Code No. 531010

Eporter's Details

M/S Ganges Jute P Ltd
Trading House Chatterjee International Centre 33A Jawaharlal Nehru Road 6Th Flo Kolkata - 700 071 India Fax +91 3

Notify Party's Details

M/S Ace Bag _ Burlap Co Inc
1601 Bronxdale Ave Bronx Ny 10462 U S A Phone_ 001 718 319 9300 Fax _ 001 718 319 9311

Shipping Details

B/L Number : MOLU13903141655 Shipping Date : 12/05/2016
Weight in (K): 21296 Pieces :34
Piece Unit : BLE Measure: K
Port of Arrival : 4601, NEW YORK/NEWARK AREA, NEWARK, NJ Port of Origin : 55976, SINGAPORE
Business Role : US Importer Destination Country : US
Countrty Origin : IN, INDIA Carrier : 2

Note:- The Company Profile Information above has been provided to us directly from US Custom shipment details. If you discrepancies with any information from this company please contact us immediately with url.